Saturday, August 22, 2009

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sobbing 'cause I knew right off she was right. If Sam hadn't been there right in the room then I woulda rejected the whole thing put it from my mind. I still loved him but I'd cheat on him in a minute betray him in a flash. I had betrayed him already and all my daddy stood for too. I would help that bunch of Vogels win or look the other way so long as they guaranteed my juice supply. I woulda thought it was wrong and too bad but I'd'a let it happen even helped anyways. Worst part was if I was in real withdrawal and they told me I had to kill Sam to get the juice I really didn't know if I could keep from pullin' that trigger. No that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that I still didn't want no cure. If it came down to betrayin' Sam or gettin' the cure I would.
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